Join this public livestream. Price: Free.
No one likes having tough conversations and giving people bad news. However, you should dislike even more wasting life away leading an average team that's not improving.
If you want to be a genuine leader, you must help your team face the truth and grow. The good news is I've repeatedly seen people who were underperforming for months (or years) make tangible leaps within weeks after being given the right feedback and coaching. You owe them this chance.
Especially with many startups undergoing slower team growth, your team is all you've got. Time to get it going and invest in their growth (which, actually, aligns with your own growth as a leader).
Join this public session to get actionable tools for upgrading your coaching skills. Sign up to get a reminder and the recording in case you cannot attend live. Plus, you'll get my Impact Coaching Framework ebook for free!