Focusing Engineering Organizations

Many engineering organizations find it challenging to keep delivering value faster as they grow and mature. Some people take that for granted. I object. There are common pitfalls that we can learn to notice. One is the utter lack of focus, especially across the organization. When the team doesn’t know what it’s trying to achieve, […]

On Purpose

How much of your current work life is something that you can genuinely describe as being purposeful? Can you honestly say that what you are doing is the right thing for you and that you are fulfilling yourself? This isn’t about woo-woo career advice but about the importance of not wasting the most precious asset […]

Tech Exec Growth Curves

Continuing on the thread of local maxima in careers, I realized that people don’t consider their growth in relation to the organization around them. Growth is relative. You might be constantly growing and learning, but if you’re falling behind and not adapting as fast as the company needs you to—you’re not doing well enough. Are […]

Career Complacency: Local Maxima and Low Motivation

As with any craft, it’s healthy and expected to consider from time to time how good you actually are in your role. I vividly remember the first couple of times when I received such feedback. Two people who were my seniors told me I was doing great or better than expected, and the moments are […]

Breaking Autopilot

You know those engineers who, in the name of preferring ‘best practices,’ copy things automatically? You can probably spot that going on in your teams and avoid people implementing the same infrastructure and processes that work for a Fortune 100 company but would cripple your startup. Great. How about when you’re doing the equivalent as […]

Handling Executive-Startup Mismatch

There’s not a week that goes by without an executive or leader who tells me about a very unpleasant situation. They feel like the company they joined doesn’t (or no longer) match their preferences, habits, culture, etc. Sometimes this comes as an immediate revelation after joining a company, other times you realize it after months […]

Igniting Insight: Accelerating Growth as a Leader

You’ve heard the adage about some people having ten years of experience, whereas others have the same year repeated ten times. Regular growth is easier to do as an individual contributor, but how do you maximize your growth as a leader? How can you accelerate your “seniorification”? Let’s consider deliberate practice for leaders. Experience Basics […]

Tech Leadership Maxims

My website recently crossed the 300 articles mark. Those, along with two books and hundreds of podcasts and videos made me want to write down a few basic maxims and concepts for tech executives. It’s a fun exercise for me, and definitely enjoyable for you. I’m sure you’ll hate at least one! You don’t need […]

Planned Leadership

Today’s dose of healthy common sense for tech leaders: You’re probably not planning things enough. The pendulum swing in the industry over the past couple of decades has made planning be seen almost as a complete waste. Yes, agile has taught us that detailing product requirements down to the pixel months in advance is a […]

Less Leadership Abstraction

It’s common practice to say it’s the leaders’ job to protect their team, be a buffer (Andy Grove), shield them (Rands), abstract things (Ben Horowitz), etc. Yes, however we overdo it. If you believe that’s a major part of your role as a leader and what you ask your managers to do, you might be […]