Curing Reactivity

You know what gets people interested? A good hero story. You share about a crisis at work, how dire the situation was, and how you found the right thing to do or saved the day just at the right moment. In working with leaders, I’ve realized that too often, these types of stories, no matter […]

Weaning Off Productivity Porn

We all know those leaders who seem to always be maximizing their time and learning nonstop. There’s no new book they haven’t read or a trending article they haven’t already filed in their read-it-later queue. Name the acronym, and they’ll tell you its meaning—even if you just made it up. If this hits too close […]

The Grow Slow Guide

A few weeks ago, I spoke in front of a group of founders of early-stage startups. The conversation centered on the difference between how startups “looked like” during their careers so far and how different things are for them now. What they “learned” earlier seems no longer relevant, given the disappearance of “cheap money.” I […]

No One Needs Your R&D Metrics

I can’t help but cringe when clients ask me about relaying R&D metrics to the CEO or the board of directors. These KPIs, which usually have no business being discussed in those forums, are often something tech executives bring up themselves, not realizing that doing so is handicapping their own authority. Like the cat that […]

The Strategy Void

Everyone and their dog nowadays seem to be working on “strategies.” However, virtually none of the startups I work with have a clearly defined strategy. Instead, they often suffer from a complete disregard for long-term vision (“We’re a startup, who knows?!”), or they think they’re strategizing when in fact, they’re merely coming up with partial […]

Embracing Politics

As part of the quest to help tech executives maximize their leadership potential, a recurring theme is the dreaded concept of politics (cue spooky sound effects). Not all that you think is politics is, in fact, so. Further, sometimes, you just have to learn how to play the game. Let’s break it down and help […]

The Hired TechExec Pitfall

This one is for those founders who don’t have a technical founder that wants to lead R&D/Engineering and also for the hired VPEs/CTOs who want to understand their bosses better. Running a startup, especially in the first 3-4 years, without a technical cofounder is a bit like deciding not to castle in chess. It’s possible, […]

On Scrappiness

This might be a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I think most tech organizations have way too many specific and niched-down roles too soon. Some companies feel like a weird scene from Downton Abbey where there was a different servant to take care of every utensil and minor task. Tiny teams have project managers, […]

Swinging the Sword

Eddard Stark famously said, “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.” It’s often one of the worst parts of the job, yet I believe it is imperative for any self-respecting leader. You might be surprised to realize that there are a bunch of scenarios where you might be (unawares?) passing the buck. […]

Gedanken Experiment: Your Purpose

I love making my clients go through thought experiments to help them better assess a certain scenario and also as a way to accelerate decision-making. I’ve shared before about one for making your day-to-day more productive by holding the vacation thought experiment. This time, let’s consider one you can do today to better flesh out […]