Choosing Your Battles

Often, you notice these things while you’re doing something else and do a double-take. You’re glancing over emails trying to find a thread, and notice an update someone made. Maybe you saw a conversation in a Slack channel you rarely read. It can even be a sentence uttered in the hallway. But there’s no escaping […]

Stop Focusing on Tech Debt

Much like we would stage an intervention, if a friend were obsessed with maxing out credit cards, we should stop focusing all developer attention on tech debt. There is a limit to the amount of debt that could be cleaned, but innovation is boundless. Let’s talk about spending some developer attention on amassing tech capital: […]

Impact Without Burning Out

I go on and on about impact-per-engineer in organizations and how my mission is to help double and triple it for my clients. However, it seems like a significant portion of leaders in our industry cannot envision how this can come about without making engineers work “harder.” In fact, I believe that working less is […]

Maintaining Urgency

A challenge for all leaders of growing R&D organizations is maintaining a certain momentum throughout the ranks. Not to disregard the benefit of tools for measuring velocity, I have a hard time with its innate subjectivity. With time, teams face a stale velocity. I’ve discussed why we want to revisit our velocity in the past, […]

Time to Say Goodbye

A subject that many executives feel incredibly uncomfortable addressing is their ultimate departure. Nothing lasts forever. The average tenure of non-founding executives seems to revolve around three years. Yours might be a bit longer or shorter, but refusing to accept the fact that it will come to an end might just make things worse when […]

Personal Growth Targets for Senior Leaders

Constant personal growth is key to creating teams that are the best in the world and helping your employees fully utilize their potential and achieve self-actualization. In The Tech Executive Operating System, I recommend managers help their teammates set new personal growth targets every 2-3 months. Many executives and senior leaders are fine with this […]

Helping People Quit

The biggest time-suck for my clients in the past few years certainly has to be hiring. It seems like every single company nowadays has dozens of open positions. That reality coupled with what is currently called “the great resignation” might make the concept of helping people quit crazy. However, I’ve seen companies spiral downwards when […]

Refactor: Extract Team

Growing organizations need to create new teams with time. This article covers some FAQs that I discuss in depth in The Tech Executive Operating System. Being aware of these questions and having answers ready will help you avoid some common pitfalls and set the new team up for success. Can you form a team before […]

Leveling the Bar

We all want to “raise the bar.” What does it actually mean, though? Assessing R&D organizations often shows a clear dichotomy: sometimes, we need to genuinely raise the bar. That means that a new capability or profession are lacking and require rapid injection. For example, the company suddenly realizes that it needs a mobile application […]

Yak Spotting

About 15 years ago, I first put a post-it note on my monitor with a prompt that I found incredibly useful. Over the years, I’ve used it a lot personally, to the point where I wrote scripts to randomly send notifications reminding me about it once my brain got used to the note and started […]